Email symbols
@ "at"
The @ symbol “at sign” separates a person’s online user name from his mail address.
“_” Underscore
This symbols usually use to underline words, but we use in the Email to créate a visual spacing within a sequence of characters, because white space is not permitted.
(-) Dash
Is a punctaiton mark similar to minus sign, but this we use like the underline to créate a visual space, because white space is not permitted in the Email addres.
“/” Slash
Actually this symbol is not very común to use in the Email.
“.” Dot
The symbol is used as a delimiter in the Email or a visual spacing because we can’t have white space.
“:” Colon
This symbol is use to explain or star an enumaration. But in the Email isn’t comun to use just like visual space.
“;” Semicolon
The symbol is used to separate elements of a string of text just in some Email clients have to delimted by semicolon.
“,” Comma
Is a punctation mark as a apostrophe or closing quotation mark in many typefaces. In the Email we just use like visual space because must be a white space.
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